SDSVP Official Goals

SDSVP has a new set of Goals. We have both external and internal facing goals. Our Mission “San Diego Social Venture Partners drives community solutions with investments of time, expertise and resources” demands that our goals have an external facing component.

Our Core Values of Leadership and Accountability demand that we have an internal facing component. With a Core Value of Accountability, we must measure. With a Core Value of Leadership, we must model good corporate behavior.

One more really important point… To achieve these goals requires a team effort. I do know that we have a great team. The Partners of SDSVP are a unique group of highly talented, energetic, and caring individuals. If you get excited by one or more of these goals and want to help SDSVP achieve them, please contact me or Peggy.

External Goals For FY07/08
SDSVP will add significant value to the San Diego philanthropic community by:
1. SDSVP Investees will measurably improve their capacity.
2. SDSVP Partners will exemplify leadership through participation on other non-profit boards, committees as well as SVP working groups.
3. SDSVP will generate co-funding and collaboration with other grant makers.
In fiscal year 07/08, SDSVP will use its existing capacity assessment tool to track external goals and where necessary develop both a baseline and a measurement system to track the remaining external goals.

Internal Goals For FY07/08
SDSVP goals for internal operations will be:
1. SDSVP will have 100 Partners and retain 90% of non-graduated Partners.
2. 85% of SDSVP Partners will indicate that their investment into SDSVP was effective personal philanthropy and worth the money
3. SDSVP will improve our capacity as measured by SDSVP Organizational Capacity Assessment Tool. SDSVP will move our ratings up to a “Level 3” in the Mission, Vision, Strategy and Planning category.

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