The “I Can Quit Truck” is Calling

The “I Can Quit Truck”, a shiny black Ford pickup, was only 30 feet from me, just across the street where I had stopped to rest after biking up a steep hill. Two fellow Ironman hopefuls were loading their bikes into the bed of the truck. They were done. I was pretty much done too, but not quite yet in the truck. All I had to say was, “Do you have room for me?” and my race would be over too. I would no longer be a hopeful, but a DNFer (Did Not Finish). No more tired legs. No more anguish. I was 94 miles into the 112 mile bike course. The morning started with a 2.4 mile swim and after the bike, assuming I could finish it, I still faced a 26.2 mile run. Something was wrong. I was struggling. My confidence and strength were gone. DNF was calling me.

This was supposed to be my eighth Ironman. My seventh was in August of 2014 at Mt. Tremblant in Quebec. That race went as expected, where I finished in 15 of the 17 hours allowed for the event. In fact, except for my second Ironman in 2003 in Coeur d’Alene, Idaho, all my races went as expected. I under trained for Coeur d’Alene, a rookie mistake, and vowed to never let that happen again. As I eyed the “I Can Quit Truck”, it was painfully obvious that I had made a serious mistake in preparing for the 2018 Boulder Ironman. My completion record for half and full Ironmans is 100%, 24 for 24, but leading into this race, I had more fear and doubt than ever before.

Fear and doubt grew slowly in the year approaching the race. My strength and speed have decreased about 10 to 15% over the past decade. Some of the decrease is an aging body, but most of the decrease is from pretty much eliminating anaerobic training. Anaerobic means without oxygen. That is when you are gasping for breath, your heart is racing and your muscles burn. I really don’t like the gasping for breath and the muscle burn. So starting in 2011, I gave up almost all anaerobic training. I also gave up doing t-runs. That is a run right after a bike. A t-run prepares your body for the rapid change from bike to run. Even though I don’t do anaerobic training and t-runs, I do the necessary swimming, biking, running and core work to finish my races. Or so I thought.

Like for Mt. Tremlant, I trained for a 15 hour finish in Boulder. I based my training on the difficulty of the race, mainly how hilly the bike and run courses are. I have done enough races with enough variations to be pretty good at knowing how to train for a specific course. Boulder has a moderate 3,936 feet of climbing in the bike and 898 feet of climbing in the run. Since all I care about is finishing in the allocated 17 hours, training for 15 hours gives me two hours of slop. The two hours are for problems that happen in a race like, leaky goggles or an elbow in the nose on the swim. On the bike, you can expect things like flat tires, cables breaking or even taking a wrong turn. On the run, you can expect things like major blisters, painful rashes, stomach issues and taking a wrong turn. Most of time you can solve these problems by keeping a clear head and having the time to recover.

Long before I saw the “I Can Quit Truck”, just 10 miles into the bike, my legs were tired. Could it be the heat? Could it be the lack of anaerobic training? Am I just too old? Should I quit? My mind filled with failure. As I ascended the first hill, my power faded as did my confidence. Ten months ago, I had completed the Boulder Half Ironman and was strong on the bike. Things were different today. As I continued to ride and as the temperature soared, my will to finish vanished. Self-pity took a firm grip. Instead of figuring out how to succeed, I rationalized quitting. I was confused and angry. My legs were failing me, but more dangerously, my mind was failing me.

For some unknown reason, I turned down the invitation from the “I Can Quit Truck” and continued pedaling. There was no “Aha Moment.” I did not dig down for something deeper. I just pedaled. In hindsight, I suspect I continued because that is what my mind and body had trained to do, keep moving. I was left with instinct, not some thoughtful response to adversity. Eventually, I finished the bike and after two miles of the run, my mind had cleared and the self-pity faded away. The bike took 90 minutes longer than predicted, but I made up 30 minutes on the run, finishing the race in 16 hours. The two hours of slop that I train for proved to be enough to get the finisher medal and t-shirt. The mental discipline that I count on, thoughtfulness, failed, but a previously unknown mental discipline, instinct, did not fail. I am uncomfortable counting on instinct. Nor do I know how to quantify it, but I am pleased it is there.

Going forward, I will focus on three new challenges. First, how do I work on preventing a mental breakdown during a race. Second, if I can’t prevent it, how do I work to repair the mental breakdown. Third and finally, if I fail in preventing and repairing, how do I ensure that instinct will keep me moving forward when the “I Can Quit Truck” is calling.

Without a doubt, I want to get a bit stronger, both physically and mentally. I hired Craig Zelent to coach me for the next year. Twice before, I have hired coaches and in both cases, the investment was well worth it. I hired a coach for my first Ironman to help me properly train for a finish. I hired a coach for my third Ironman to help achieve a personal best.

I am hiring Craig for more of a soft goal. His job is to help me, at 60 years old, find the proper balance between endurance, speed and strength training. He has already added a bit of anaerobic exercise into the mix and I am “enjoying” the change. Craig’s guidance will build my confidence, which will help with the mental game. To further help with the mental game, I will practice mental imagery, also known as visualization. I will be visualizing a mental breakdown during a race and how I will either overcome the breakdown or let instinct take over and keep me moving.

I don’t know what the future holds for me, but I will certainly enjoy the journey. I look forward to riding past the “I Can Quit Truck” the next time it calls for me.

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22 Responses to The “I Can Quit Truck” is Calling

  1. Dale says:

    A really interesting and enjoyable read. Thank you, Mark.

  2. Charisse says:

    You are very inspirational Mark. Your honesty and ability to self evaluate are lessons for all of us. Thank you for sharing and I wish you luck on your journey.

  3. Richard Mersereau says:

    Congratulations, Mark. A perfect record in half and full marathons is truly remarkable, and is a testament not only to your physical training and discipline, but to your mental and internal fortitude and focus as well. Best wishes always to you, Kathy and the boys. Keep up the great work in health and happiness. (And BTW, a great read; am forwarding it to may brother to help motivate him in his upcoming 100 mile run.)

  4. Clyde Horner says:

    Great job, Mark! I bump into the “Truck” many days and pass it by with “new thoughts.” With my background, I’ve adopted the song “I’m No Longer a Slave to Fear” and that is helpful. Also, yesterday, I discovered a new song by my favorite singer/songwriter, Willie Nelson: Still Not Dead. Here is the link in case you’re interested:

    Press ahead and pass the “truck!”

  5. Kathy Ferraro says:

    Congratulations Mark! Congratulations on Life! You , my friend, are (and always have been ) a great inspiration for me! This was a great read, I could see myself right along your side looking at that DNF truck and I was so glad you let it get away! You are inspiring me to set bigger goals and to get totally fit…Matter of fact, fitter than I have ever been. We just returned from a great trip in the Canadian Rockies and next time I want to bike those hills! Also ,since we have 8 grand children now, we must be a good example and hopefully they will set their expectations high and they will get great enjoyment out of their life,as well . Say HI to Kathy and keep on truckin….

    • Mark says:

      Thanks Kathy. Biking the Rockies…. What a great way to inspire your grandchildren! BTW – Trucking, by the Grateful Dead is one of my favorite running songs!

  6. Nina Atwood says:

    Mark: congratulations on your achievement! It seems that “mental trash” is one of the biggest impediments in life, whether you are doing the Ironman or anything else that matters, and which requires discipline and focus. I love your story and the conclusions you drew – nothing heroic but – if I may add my interpretation – a surrendering to something deeper than thought. Maybe it was “instinct” or maybe it was something else, something we all have every single day, which, when allowed to emerge, enables us to achieve far more than what our minds tell us we can. I am inspired to find that part of me so that I can go beyond that which my mind tells me. Thank you for sharing and inspiring!

  7. Craig Zelent says:

    Mark, I am honored to be part of your team. I think you overcame a huge challenge at Boulder. Despite really struggling, you found a way to finish. Most people don’t want any part of a triathlon. As an Ironman finisher you are part of a very special club.

  8. Karen Meenan says:

    Good for you, Mark! One of my Vistage members is training for Ultra Man. And, we talk about this quite a bit.

  9. Sara Jones says:

    Thanks for sharing your journey, Mark, and in such an honest way! Very inspiring, no matter what “race” we are running…to remember to never quit, train with purpose, know when to ask for help and choose the right people close to support us where we need it. Best wishes on your run for #26!

  10. Mark Wernig says:

    Well done, Mark. I really enjoyed this post and considered how the metaphor could be applied to multiple challenges in life and business. As always, thank you for the perspective and your personal example.

  11. gavin says:

    Timeless. Hope you’re still running my friend. Best, Gavin

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